Highest-rated pet brand in Australia!


Baldacci Pets is recognized for providing the highest quality pet products at the best prices. Our mission is to help our four-legged friends be happier and healthier. By choosing Baldacci, you are not only getting the best care, but you are doing your part. And for this, we thank you!

Baldacci offers you a simple but high-quality range of products focused on the long term!

Our philosophy is to concentrate on quality and over-deliver, always looking for how to provide you with the best possible service.

We include free delivery on orders over a minimum amount to keep your costs low.

Our products will give them the best mix of comfort and good taste, as its design is perfect for indoor and outdoor use.

We always start with the end in mind, and this is what we decided to encourage!

“The dream we would like to achieve is one where every pet is happy, healthy and cared for in the best way.”

And what better way to start than with us? So join and help us to keep spreading the love! ♡

(When you buy with us, you are implicitly helping to fight against global climate change and animal famine across the different causes that we support around the world)

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✓ Highest Rated Pet Products

✓ We Do It With Love

✓ Trusted By 10,000+ Happy Customers!

✓ Best Products At The Best Prices

✓ Every Order Helps To Fight Global Climate Change & Animal Famine

✓ Fast & Free Delivery Worldwide

✓ Australian Owned & Operated

Join to BALDACCI comunity ♡

Cool Facts About Our Friends!

-Playing with our pets increases serotonin and dopamine, hormones in the brain that make us happy and relaxed.
- Relationships between pets and humans are symbiotic since they benefit both.
- Humans have kept pets since prehistoric times, and almost every single culture around the world has a history of pets ♡

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